Commitment to excellence quote essay

commitment to excellence / superficial / quote / success / quality of life

Essay Topic:

Personal and objective interpretation of Vince Lombardis quote dedicated to the commitment to excellence.

Essay Questions:

What is the strongest message of Lombardis quote? What relation does superficiality have with the quote? What meaning does success have in the life of a man from the interpretation of the author?

Thesis Statement:

This quote is one of those that make people start thinking about what they do in their lives and the way they chose to do it. It has a lot to do with the conscience of a person. No matter what a man chooses to do he has two variants of doing it doing it properly or doing it superficially.


Commitment to excellence quote essay

"The Quality of a persons life is in direct portion to their commitment to excellence, regardless of their chosen field of endeavor."

Vince Lombardi

Introduction: This superficiality in doing things is what produces results that cannot be trusted by other people. Such superficial activities have caused the biggest disasters of the humanity and continue bringing harm to all the living beings. Performing excellence in the field a person chooses is the main key to the quality life, which everybody tries to achieve. This quote is one of those that make people start thinking about what they do in their lives and the way they chose to do it. It has a lot to do with the conscience of a person. No matter what a man chooses to do he has two variants of doing it doing it properly or doing it superficially.

A person needs either to do something on the proper level of excellence, which it requires, or do nothing at all. There is no golden middle concerning this statement. All these lead to the quality of life of a person and not only in its material or financial understanding.The power of this quote is immense. It is more that just inspiration to the ones that not just read but also feel it. Following the advice that the quote carries may lead the person to experiencing the feeling of self-respect and respect of people around him. Even if a man works as a newspaper-deliverer and he presents his work at the best level, people will always say: He is great at what he does. His boss will also say it and decide that this person is worth of a better position. It is the law of life only those who are the best at what they do achieve the biggest success. This quote is not just a law for all people for it is a precaution for those who do not try their best at what they do. People should read it because it has the power to revive a successful man in each one of us.

Success and high quality of life is not luck it is just the inseparable part of the persons commitment to excellence no matter what field he chooses to devote himself to. This quote is not even an advice it should become the main principle of life of every person. So if person decides to do something he will always make it through hard work, dedication and commitment to excellence and the results will be not just a better quality of life but also a better quality of the personality of this person.The reason I have selected this quote is because of the inspiration it gave me when I first read it. It was like these words spoke to the depth of my heart and inspired me to be what I have always wanted to become. These words by Vince Lombardi make be remember that one day I will become old and I want to be proud of what I have done throughout my whole life and I will want to see the result of what I have done. I am glad that I can learn from people that have lived their lives and know what is really worth at the end of it. I hope that I will always by mature enough to follow this testament of Vince Lombardi. This quote has helped me in the understanding that a man is a real man only if he is pure in his heart and insistent in his intentions. I want to do everything in a way that I will never have to do it over again. Doing something over again will indicate that I did not shoe enough commitment to excellence.

Conclusion: I try my best to apply it in every sphere of my life. If I am studying something I try not to do it superficially but to do it in a manner that will make my teachers and me proud and the knowledge will open the doors for the work I have always dreamt about. I have understood that life is too short for doing anything not good enough. Following the message of this quote will and is already making me a richer person not in the literally understanding. This is primarily due to the fact that when I started doing everything with commitment to excellence I have learn a lot of things and now all of them seem easy to me thought some time before seemed too difficult and almost impossible for me to do. I also realized how important it is to set this excellence commitment example to my future children. This quote is capable for moving mountains because it has made an immense difference for me. I am not afraid of doing anything now because I know that my commitment to excellence will help me to do it.


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