Silliness definition essay

mistake / silliness

Title: Silliness


The essay explains the meaning of silliness. To provide personal viewpoint on the issue, past experiences and observations are being applied. Furthermore, the relevant examples are given in line with descriptive and narrative techniques providing evidence and focus on one particular meaning and effect.

General discussion
            Silliness stands for silly and/or frivolous behaviour guided by our impulses rather than rational thinking. Depending on circumstances, people are prone to the acts of silliness without considering long-lasting effects of their acts. Our impulsive scatterbrained manners often cause serious troubles and mistakes we make are difficult to resolve in the long run. Silly decisions and acts are particular to domestic arguments and family quarrels.

For instance, married couples often quarrel about minor things, that are not even problems; worse than that, each of them defends his/her own standpoint because of principle or being too obstinate to lose selfish interest. Such minor misunderstandings often lead to the weeks of sorrow and may eventually end up in divorce. This common-day example is given to stress that silliness excludes compromise as quarrelling parties are blinded by impulses and therefore cannot make up their minds in a reasonable way.

            Another example of silliness is due to the lack of wisdom and practical experience. There are many youngsters in the streets that strive for easy-come cash. Due to the lack of knowledge, a teenager deems he will easily and quickly retrieve money from cash machine by crashing it at night. At that, acting on his own, he is not aware that money is not behind the ATM. Furthermore, his act of crashing the machine with baseball bat is subject to surveillance camera. As a result, his risk was silly, there was no money at all, and now poor victim is almost a prisoner owing serious fine for breaking down state property.

            Silliness is common thing when we go shopping. We tend to make shopping choices behind our to-buy-lists and spend money on useless things and/or clothes. In a while, we understand that the purchase we made three months ago is no longer a bargain as the bought thing has become completely useless in practical terms.   

            Silliness is a dangerous phenomenon in a more global sense. To this end, Mariel Hemingway once quoted “I wanted out of my pain and that silliness, but I wanted an easy out. That’s before realizing that there is no easy out before accepting that you just have to do the work”. This indicates that there are many people who blindly believe in easy earnings. Therefore, they are likely to invest their money in doubtful companies and schemes that altogether rip off and cheat people. There are numerous Internet offers inviting people to lose their money in a silly way. Furthermore, many alternative organizations declare honest and right values to attract people’s funds to cheat them in a long run.

            All the abovementioned examples indicate that silliness should be avoided and prevented as far as possible to reach success, save money, and be happy. The initial advice in due respect would be not to make a silly mistake twice. If you made a mistake, it’s alright; you gained a particular life experience. If you realized your mistake it’s perfect because you made out knowledge of your mistake. However, whenever you have made a mistake, repeated it again, and did not draw any conclusions, that means silliness is your trouble are to work on.

            Thus silliness should be regarded as an indispensable part of our evolution as everyone makes mistakes, though silliness should be eliminated as far as possible. The last important point about silliness is that we can and should learn from others’ mistakes. For instance, it would be silly to take drugs and test their adverse affects on your own health, knowing how many people have become victims of this dependence. Hence, silliness is a human feature that can be avoided and prevented in numerous possible ways.


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