When Beloved one is dying essay

death / Kubler-Ross / stages / illness / emotions

Essay Topic:

The interpretation of the five emotional stages that a person goes through when his or hers beloved in dying.

Essay Questions:

How the discovery that the person you love is dying emotionally influence a man?

What are the five stages suggested by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross?

How do the people grow to accept the fact that their beloved one is dying?

Thesis Statement:

It is very hard for the person that is dying to accept the idea of his future death and before accepting it he goes through five stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.


When Beloved one is dying essay

“There are no mistakes, no coincidences.

All events are blessings given to us to learn from”

Introduction: The discovery that the person you love is dying is always a “shocking hit”. It “hits” both: the person that is dying and the person who loves him. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross in her best seller “On Death and Dying” has given a deep analysis of what these two people go through after they discover the illness. It is very hard for the person that is dying to accept the idea of his future death and before accepting it he goes through five stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Patients require help in order to cope with the crisis they are facing. The same goes with the person that is about to lose a “dear-to-heart” man. According to the five stages these people need to know exactly how they can take care of themselves to make their emotional condition stable and be able to accept what is about to happen.


Stage 1. Shock and denial. This period may last starting from couple of day to several weeks. The person finds out that their loved-one is seriously ill. As usually people at this stage avoid talking to anybody, the best “recipe” would be to start attending a support group, where the person will learn that a lot of people face the same problem and that there ways to cope with this situation. He will meet people who have gone through a situation like that and will inspire the person to concentrate of providing support to their loved ones by making their “last days” beautiful and bright.

Stage 2. Anger. The person starts experiencing anger. The main thought at this stage is “Why did it happen to him? Why did it happen to me?”. The feeling of the unfairness of the present situation makes the person mad. The best “recipe” to let the anger out is to write a journal, describing the internal feelings. Doing active exercising is a good anger-reliever remedy, too. Another important ascent is not to be alone. Attending a support group or just talking and being honest about you feelings with family members will help a lot.

Stage 3. Depression and bargaining. This is the time when a person needs special help and emotional support. At this stage the best thing to do is to ask a psychologist for a qualified help if the help of a close friend and family members is not sufficient. It is vital to take care of the organism: get enough sleep and food. Going to church in order to gather thoughts might be helpful. It is important not to let yourself to pour your emotional condition on another person. There is no need to pretend like everything is fine – it is important to be open and be active. Attending a support group may solve a lot of these problems at the same time.

Stage 4. Acceptance. This is not about denying the existence of the illness. It is about learning how to live with this “future loss” and being ready for it. Reading about the illness will help to know everything about it and be sure how to help the loved-one. Keeping a strong emotional contact with the loved-one is extremely needed due to the possibility to help him going through his stages of accepting the fact that he has the illness. The understanding that death is just a part of life is to bring the feeling of the peacefulness of the outside worlds. Spending time with nature may help a lot.

Conclusion: Of course it is impossible to fit all the emotions a person will experience between the lines describing these four stages. Nevertheless, a person that is facing a problem of a future “loss” needs to remember that he is not alone, that he does not have to hide his feelings, he needs to take a good care of his organism in order to help himself to cope with the situation (exercising, eating well), he may use various “creative” techniques and he may ask for help of a psychologist and a support group. And the most important part is to make the day of the dying person unforgettable by being close and “holding his hand” no matter what!


Kubler-Ross, Elisabeth “On Death and Dying”/Scribner/1997.


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