Arthur Miller essay questions

Good Arthur Miller essay questions for college and high school

Death of a Salesman
Death of a salesman character analysis Who may be truly considered to be the central character of the play? Where does Willys insanity come from? Why are the relations between Willy and Biff so complicated?
The role of Willy Loman in Arthur Millers play Death of a salesman What is the role of the American Dream in the life of Willy Loman? How important is being likable for earning enough for the family? What changes does the death of Arthur Miller being to the life of the characters?
Death of a salesman summary Why does the old salesman come to the realization that his life was a failure? What is the true reasons of Biffs disillusionment? Why does committing a suicide results the only way Willy can help his family with?
The Crucible
Under the guise of the church Arthur Millers The Crucible How is religion used as a mask in Arthur Millers The Crucible? Why do the society in Arthur Millers The Crucible suppress the physical and material desires ? How can be the society of The Crucible described in terms of honesty and nobleness?
The Crucible summary What was the life of America like during the 1950s? Is religiousness of the society of the novel real of just a social game? How does the execution of a man go against the religion?

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