Critical Essay Topics

Good topics for Critical essays. List of Critical essay topics for college and high school students

As critical essays mostly deal with the evaluation of different literary works it is obvious that the best topics for this group of essays are topics associated with the analysis of certain novels, books, stories, poems or articles. One of the best critical essay topics is the review of a story or a novel, especially if it goes about a famous classic literary masterpiece. At the same time the author may decide to choose a certain character from a literary work as the topic of a critical essay. Among the most popular critical essay topics are critical essays on such characters as Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, and critical essays of such works as The Great Gatsby or Frankenstein.
Social issues
Fashion and Identity essay The affect of fashion on every person and the analysis of fashion as an integral part of a personalitys identity.
Human Factor in aviation building essay The influence of the Human factor on the potential airline accidents.
Moral Difference Between Hitting a Computer and Hitting a Person Essay Morality as a major factor for understanding the difference between hitting a computer and hitting a person.
Auxiliary Police Critical evaluation of the Auxiliary Police and its impact on the society members.
Child abuse Essay The scheme of the teachers behavior in case of signs of child abuse.
Critical Theory Discussion Essay The develpment of the critical theory as related to the meaning of justice within the society.
Economic Development since 1950 essay The analysis of the fact that economic development is greatly dependent of the technological progress and as the main development started occurring after the 1950s this is the period that should be investigated in a very profound way.
Economic Society essay The problem of the economic differences among various racial, ethnic groups and differences on the base of being a male or a female.
Merit Pay for teachers Essay The primary goal of the merit-pay system for the teachers as a motivational system.
Women in Nathaniel Hawthorne literature Essay The analysis of the characters of women in Nathaniel Hawthorne works.

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